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4 years at Machineryline
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In stock: 29 ads
4 years at Machineryline
52 years on the market

New Pi Makina Crushing and Screening Plant vibrating screen

new Pi Makina Crushing and Screening Plant vibrating screen
new Pi Makina Crushing and Screening Plant vibrating screen
new Pi Makina Crushing and Screening Plant vibrating screen image 2
new Pi Makina Crushing and Screening Plant vibrating screen image 3
new Pi Makina Crushing and Screening Plant vibrating screen image 4
new Pi Makina Crushing and Screening Plant vibrating screen image 5
new Pi Makina Crushing and Screening Plant vibrating screen image 6
new Pi Makina Crushing and Screening Plant vibrating screen image 7
new Pi Makina Crushing and Screening Plant vibrating screen image 8
new Pi Makina Crushing and Screening Plant vibrating screen image 9
new Pi Makina Crushing and Screening Plant vibrating screen image 10
new Pi Makina Crushing and Screening Plant vibrating screen image 11
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Brand: Pi Makina
Model: Crushing and Screening Plant
Year of manufacture: 2023-08
Location: Turkey Ankara9017 km from you
Placed on: Mar 4, 2025
Machineryline ID: XK24694
Condition: new
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Colour: blue
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More details — New Pi Makina Crushing and Screening Plant vibrating screen

With half century of experience, Pi Makina has installed the worlds leading and Turkey’s largest crushing-screening plants and continues to produce machines that converts the stone to civilization. Addition to concrete batching plants and concrete pumps, Pi Makina also provides complete professional solutios such as feeders as crushers, screens, screws and belt conveyors for the processing of stones may be used in the end-user facilities.
أنشات شركة بي ماكينة التركية واحدة من أكبر محطات تكسير وغربلة الأحجار المحدودة
في العالم. وتسعى الشركة دائماً إلى إنتاج ماكينات تمهد لإنشاء حضارة, بخبرة تمتد إلى
نصف قرن. وإلى جانب محطات ومضخات الخرسانة, تقدم الشركة مقترحات حلول إلى
العملاء من خلال توفير كافة معدات كسارات الأحجار, لتصنيع الأحجار المستخدمة في
هذه الكسارات, مثل معدات التغذية, والتكسير, والمناخل, والمعدات الحلزونية, وشرائط
أحزمة النقل.
La plus grande installation de concassage et de criblage en Turquie a été produite et installée par Pi Makina, qui est l'un des principaux fabricants du monde. Le groupe d’équipement de concassage et de criblage comprend des alimentateurs, des concasseurs, des cribles vibrants, des convoyeurs, des systèmes de lavage etc
Pi Makina построил некоторые из лучших дробилок в мире и самые крупные в Турции. Мы производим установки, которые преобразуют камни в цивилизацию. Мы предлагаем комплексные решения своим клиентам, включая бетоносмесительные установки и бетононасосы наряду с
подающими механизмами, дробилками, сортировочными установками, элеваторами и конвейерами.
Dünyanın sayılı, Türkiye’nin en büyük kırma eleme tesislerini kurmuş olan Pi Makina, yarım asırlık tecrübesi ile taşı uygarlığa dönüştüren makinalar üretior. Beton santralleri ve beton pompalarının yanı sıra bu tesislerde kullanılan taşları işlemek için besleyiciler, kırıcılar, elekler, helezonlar ve bant konveyörler gibi her türlü kırma eleme tesisi ekipmanını sağlayarak müşterilerine komple çözüm önerileri sunuyor.
This offer is for guidance only. Please request more precise information from the seller.
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